Magdalena Ptasznik – Surfing

Venue: Gong, 1st floor
Time: 17:45
Length: 60 min
Admission: 100 CZK / 50 CZK (students)

Choreography, performer: Magdalena Ptasznik
Script and collaboration on the concept: Eleonora Zdebiak
Research residency: Agnieszka Kocińska, Regina Lissowska-Postaremczak
Production: Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk
With the support of Fundacja Burdąg, Centrum w Ruchu, Urząd Dzielnicy Wawer Warszawy, Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

Surfing is a laboratory in which subjectivity of activities is liable to dispersion. The performance works with the processes of activation – the physical actions of the body set objects in motion and their (re)actions subsequently initiate and transform other events. Surfing is a ritual that frees objects, or better to say, liberates our perceptions. In a broader perspective, it offers a different perception of reality and adds new articulations to the experience of the space and time.

Surfing activates substance when it glides / focuses on its surface and looks for new experience. It directs our perception to that which is visible and accessible. Surfing provokes the collision of surfaces, friction, scratching, it observes phenomena in space, distances, the changing dynamics and energy fluctuation when the surfaces meet.

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