Teatr Dramatyczny w Wałbrzychu: Schubert. Romantic Composition for Twelve Performers and a String Quartet

when: 3 November 2017
venue: Důl Hlubina / Staré koupelny: Taneční sál (1st floor)
time: 9 pm
admission: 180 CZK

Directed by: Magda Szpecht
Dramaturgy: Szymon Adamczak
Set design and costumes: Zuza Golińska
Cooperation: Małgosia Golińska
Music: Franz Schubert, Wojciech Blecharz
Choreography: Paweł Sakowicz
Director’s assistant: Radosław Mirski
Stage manager: Iwona Skiba
Teatr Dramatyczny im. Jerzego Szaniawskiego w Wałbrzychu
Coproduction with Centrum Nauki i Sztuki STARA KOPALNIA

Cast: Sara Celler-Jezierska, Karolina Krawiec, Rozalia Mierzicka, Małgorzata Zielińska, Michał Kosela, Filip Perkowski and Janina Mikołajek, Róża Sochan, Elżbieta Sejda, Ryszard Godlewski, Zbigniew Sowiński, Ryszard Wróblewski and the string quartet:

Mateusz Marut – violin, Włodzimierz Brzeziński – violin, Bożena Papała – cello, Zofia Kowalczyk – viola

The music and modified aspects of the romantic composer Franz Schubert’s biography play the main part in this show. His most famous piece – Death and the Maiden with modern commentary by Wojciech Blecharz can be heard from the stage. The starting points of this Schubertiad are bodies and a great sense of humour of it’s performers – both actors from Wałbrzych’s theatre and seniors from Third Century University. Four pieces of the quartet, performed live, outline four different parts of the show revealing what is hidden, shameful, sensual and incomprehensible.

The performance is the winner of Paradiso Contest, part of The Divine Comedy Festival, Kraków 2016.

Photo (c) PLATO, Martin Popelář