Vladimíra Večeřová – Vital Dialogue
when: 3 November 2017
venue: Důl Hlubina / Cineport building: “Druhé patro” Hall (2nd floor)
time: 7.15 pm
admission: 100 CZK / standing ticket
directed by: Vladimíra Večeřová
stage design: Vladimíra Večeřová
performers: Vladimíra Večeřová, Zuzana Krisková and two girls from voltige
Vladimíra Večeřová’s works almost always come into existence in a tandem that deliberately creates images of women who are not far from children, lunatics, artistes, or whatever they might subjectively evoke in an individual viewer. In the Vital Dialogue performance, the starting moment of her work is a stylized video made during the practising of voltige (acrobatics on horseback), which leads to further free associations. Večeřová examines how empathy, solidarity and friendship can be expressed through the body language, with signs and without words. She seeks a democratic form. She is interested in the realistic element in their relationship, in what is taking place in the given moment, in a process through which their characters are disclosed. When making videos, she focuses on spontaneous movements which she then incorporates into their own choreography; they name it and give it direction. The linking of the present and the future in the minds of the performers is important. It is as if a horse was already running and music was playing, it is reflected in their movements and looks. It is natural and beautiful, and at the same time slightly depressing. The director composes the whole as a picture or a spatial sculpture-installation. It is about colours, materials, emotions, intimacy, gentleness, solidarity, a different kind of logic – a logic that arises through the differentiation of the body and its soul within a space and in their mutual relation.
Foto (c) PLATO, Martin Popelář